Ana L. Diaz

Ana L. Diaz
Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, Ana Diaz was raised by her mother and her grandmother between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, TX. She became the first generation graduate in her family. Today, Ana is a devoted mother of three wonderful children: a 12-year-old son, a 4-year-old daughter, and a 2-year-old daughter. Balancing the responsibilities of parenthood with her career and community involvement, Ana exemplifies unwavering dedication and love for her family and community. Professionally, Ana is a valued member of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center of El Paso. In addition to her professional endeavors, Ana is actively involved in various aspects of her children's lives. She serves as an engaged member of the PTA, supporting educational initiatives and fostering a sense of community within her children's school. As an orchestra and football mom, Ana dedicates her time and energy to enriching her children's extracurricular experiences, nurturing their talents, and cheering them on with unwavering enthusiasm.
Teething Times :: Tips & Tricks for Your Little One

Teething Times :: Tips & Tricks for Your Little One

My youngest is 11 months old. After having experienced breastfeeding, sleep regression, and introduction to solids, I felt more than ready for this little one. Well, I WAS WRONG! Teething is a struggle that...
back-to-school shopping

How To Save Money While Back-to-School Shopping

School supplies, shoes, clothes, backpacks, and snacks are EXPENSIVE! Summer was fun, but we are only days away from school starting again. Follow these quick tips to save and even get money back while...
Summer Fun

Budget-Friendly Summer Fun Ideas

Summer Time Is Here! When you feel like having some summer fun with the kids, you can do it without breaking the bank. Here are some tips for doing a budget-friendly summer fun day. Go to...
Mom Needs a Mental Health Day Too: My Recommendations

Mom Needs a Mental Health Day: My Recommendations

Life is completely unpredictable. Recently, I have been through a lot, and all of a sudden, I was pulled in a thousand different directions. Because of these changes, my mental health is still adjusting....
6 Tips to Keep the Spark Alive with Your Partner

6 Tips to Keep the Spark Alive with Your Partner

As I was going through my pictures the other day, I noticed that my husband and I used to do a lot more together on our own and even did more outings with our...
Is It Possible To Be a Good Friend and a Good Mom?

Is It Possible To Be a Good Friend and a Good Mom?

Motherhood is a full-time job with guaranteed overtime. Oftentimes, we find ourselves in such a crazy schedule that being a good friend goes to the bottom of our list. Friendships and motherhood are tricky when...
resources for assistance in El Paso

10 Local Assistance Organizations in El Paso

It is time to normalize that as moms we don’t have it together. There will be occasions in which we will find ourselves in a hard situation in which we need more help than...
Clothes Shopping as a Mom Without Feeling Guilty

Clothes Shopping as a Mom Without Feeling Guilty

Lots of us love shopping. Whether in-store or online, shopping is fun. As moms, sometimes we get hit with guilt trips when it comes to shopping for ourselves though. I really push myself to...
grandparents boundaries

How To Create Boundaries with Grandparents

The grandparent/grandchild bond is very special, yet hard to explain. Not everyone gets to experience an amazing bond. But so many of us do. Since grandkids are part of their family but they don’t...
It's Okay Not To Be Okay :: Mom Burnout Is Real

It’s Okay Not To Be Okay :: Mom Burnout Is Real

As a mom, a wife, a full-time employee, PTA parent, and someone who holds other leadership roles, life can become a little overwhelming. Especially at the end of the year, all the stress, the...