Dealing with Chronic Illness as a Mom


Mom life is demanding. Not only are we responsible for ourselves, but we are also responsible for raising humans that came from our bodies. These tiny humans are in constant change. They consume our time and our lives. However, motherhood is fun, lovely, and simply one of the best parts of my life. Yet, let’s not forget that not only are we moms but we are women–we are individuals, and we also face constant changes and needs.

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My Story with Chronic Illness

Since my teen years, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) which is a chronic condition with hormones. I have a list of chronic illnesses, major surgeries, and hospitalizations. My first major surgery was at age 15! So I have experienced quite a medical journey, making my pain tolerance and adaptability quite high.

I often find myself saying, “I am not proud of being sick, but it is something that I am working to embrace.”

I have only seen my mom in the hospital two times. I can only recall her battling a cold maybe around 10 times! On the other hand, my oldest son has seen me several times in the hospital, sick in bed, or recovering from surgeries. My kids have to see their mom sick and not at her fullest capacity at all times (like I got to see my mom growing up). This has affected me–it makes me feel weak and like I’m not the best mom in the world.

I am constantly finding ways to not only kill the guilt that I am a full-time working mom by doing PTA, play dates, and more, but I also struggle to find ways to hide the bad days of pain or flare-ups. Admitting to others the long medical history is challenging, and accepting you need help from family and friends is worse.

Dealing with Chronic Illness as a Mom

It’s Okay to Have Chronic Illnesses

Having chronic illnesses is not easy because people don’t often understand the symptoms or limitations that come from those. This leads to judgment. Let’s be realistic, we can judge each other a lot.

Accepting who you are, the medical challenges you have, and giving yourself a break are the best ways to deal with chronic illnesses. There are some days that life will be harder because you are dealing with a migraine or a flare-up of your illness, but there will also be days in which you feel great! Regardless of the day and time, be the best version of yourself, and take good care of yourself. If mom is okay, the kids are okay. Our kids love us so much, and they still see us as their superheroes.

Dealing with Chronic Illness as a Mom

Be proud of who you are, and embrace your scars (literary!). Don’t allow judgment coming from others define the type of mom that you are. Take good care of yourself! Be a priority because you need that little extra support to help you keep going. Having chronic illnesses doesn’t make us any less. Rather we are stronger because we battle against those silent symptoms daily to continue raising those tiny humans we made.

The opinions expressed in this post are those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of El Paso Mom, its executive team, other contributors to the site, its sponsors or partners, or any organizations the aforementioned might be affiliated with.

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Ana L. Diaz
Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, Ana Diaz was raised by her mother and her grandmother between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, TX. She became the first generation graduate in her family. Today, Ana is a devoted mother of three wonderful children: a 12-year-old son, a 4-year-old daughter, and a 2-year-old daughter. Balancing the responsibilities of parenthood with her career and community involvement, Ana exemplifies unwavering dedication and love for her family and community. Professionally, Ana is a valued member of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center of El Paso. In addition to her professional endeavors, Ana is actively involved in various aspects of her children's lives. She serves as an engaged member of the PTA, supporting educational initiatives and fostering a sense of community within her children's school. As an orchestra and football mom, Ana dedicates her time and energy to enriching her children's extracurricular experiences, nurturing their talents, and cheering them on with unwavering enthusiasm.


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