El Paso Families Have a New Option for School

This post is sponsored by Digital Academy of Texas. At El Paso Mom, we partner with schools and businesses that bring value to our readers.

Across Texas, people have a new image of El Paso. More than anything, they understand it’s a great place to raise a family, with a ton of activities and a diverse culture—and you never have to worry about school getting canceled for a snow day! 

People also recognize that the public schools do their best to provide a good education for a broad range of children.  

But the truth is, there are other options now. As an educator in El Paso, I’ve seen that a traditional public school isn’t the right choice for every family. Sometimes, parents start their kids at the local school, and after a few years, it becomes clear it’s not a good fit. Maybe a student needs more individual attention, needs to move at a faster pace than other kids, or just doesn’t thrive in a crowded classroom.  

One of the best alternatives for families is an online public school like the Digital Academy of Texas, also known as DATX, where I work. 

DATX is a tuition-free online public school serving grades 5–12. We are dedicated to inspiring and empowering students through an education experience tailored to each child’s needs. 

Digital Academy of TexasWhat does that mean? Kids will learn just as much–if not more–than they do in a traditional school. And they do it at their own pace, in a way that allows parents to be much more involved to help guide their children and ensure their needs are met. 

DATX uses state-certified teachers and a rigorous curriculum designed to prepare students for college or for the real world, whichever path they choose.  

Remember, we are still a public school. Students still get a diploma, they still have field trips and other activities, and they still can join clubs matching their interests.  

Basically, DATX provides the education people expect and uses modern technology to customize the experience and improve it in many ways.  

Many children thrive with an in-person teacher at a building in their neighborhood, and that’s great. But families who need or want something different–including families whose children have an individualized education plan (IEP) or special needs—have more options than ever before, and DATX is one of the best (if I do say so myself!).  

If you want to explore something different for your kids’ education, take a look at DATX. 

Shannon Scott_DATXShannon Scott is a middle school social studies teacher at Digital Academy of Texas.

Visit the school’s website for more information. 


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