Preparing to travel and go on road trip with kids can feel a little bit overwhelming at first, but it can also be a lot of fun!
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I used to picture donkey from Shrek saying, “Are we there yet? No! Are we there yet? No!” over and over because I did that to my parents when I was younger. And I mean, what kid doesn’t do that, right?
However, after doing a couple of long and short road trips with my daughter and niece, I learned some great tips along the way, and we created some of the best memories!
8 Road Trip Tips for Traveling with Kids:
1. Make a List
There is nothing worse then forgetting something when you’re already two hours down the road.
Make a list. Check it twice and keep it with you until the end of the trip. I know that’s such a “mom thing to say”; however, it makes things so much easier!
Gone are the days of forgetting your little ones favorite stuffy in the hotel or rest stop. You will minimize stress and that “I’m forgetting something” or “something is missing” feeling with a list.
2. Prepare for Emergencies
It’s always better to be safe than sorry and avoid taking a wrong turn like in those scary movies. Yikes! Here’s a few ways to prepare for emergencies:
- Print out a map.
- Get a vehicle inspection before hitting the road.
- Bring disposable bags just in case some gets motion sick.
- Bring a gas can just in case.
- Pack an extra pair of clothes.
- Make sure car seats are secure and safety locks are on.
- Take an umbrella.
- Pack extra wipes or paper towels.
- Don’t forget hand sanitizer and toilet paper for rest stops.
3. Create a Go-To Bag
When making a stop at a hotel before you reach your destination, nobody wants to have to carry sleeping kiddos and a bunch of luggage up to the hotel room. Especially if you’re only staying for a quick night.
Creating a go-to bag makes things easier because the essentials are all in one bag! Make sure to place it in an easily accessible spot in the trunk. Here are some things to pack in your go-to bag.
- A set of clothes to change into if you want to take a shower or if the kids have an accident
- Pajamas
- Toothbrushes
- Important documents
- Microwaveable snacks for hotel
- Wipes
4. Travel at Night
Traveling at night is a perfect way to avoid traffic and help speed up the hours for kids by having them sleep through the beginning of the trip.
Of course, they still might be full of energy at first. However, they’ll eventually get sleepy making things a lot easier.
5. Road Trip Activities
Providing entertainment with road trip activities and electronic devices will help kids get through a road trip like a pro!
Here’s a list of some road trip essentials that are perfect for entertaining kids:
- Pre-download movies, tv episodes, music, or YouTube videos on a tablet
- Mess Free Coloring Kit
- Reusable Sticker Pad
- Activity/Sticker Books
- Travel Tray for Kids
6. Snacks and Drinks
One of the best parts before going on a road trip is picking out snacks to take along the trip.
If you’re traveling with a toddler, get Caprisuns or something with a straw. Taking a sippy cup is good idea too.
If you are traveling with an infant or toddler, just make sure you bring a sponge and tiny bottle of dish soap so you can clean the cups or bottles in the hotel if needed.
My daughter was so upset she couldn’t have her favorite sippy cup in the hotel because it was dirty, and we had to go to store to get some cleaning supplies. It would’ve been easier to just have the cleaning supplies ahead of time.
7. Make Them Feel Comfy
After being in a car for awhile, it’s going to get uncomfortable. However, you can try some of these steps below to make kids feel comfy on the road trip.
- Take their favorite blanket.
- Bring a small pillow or traveling pillow.
- Place a cooler or something on the bottom of their feet so they can rest their feet on top of it. It will keep them from having to dangle their feet from the car seat for long hours.
- Bring their favorite stuffed animal to snuggle with as a comfort item.
- Take breaks and utilize rest stops to stretch and get some fresh air.
8. Play Road Trip Games
Road trip games are a fun way to distract the kids and keeps them calm if they’ve gotten bored with their pre-downloaded videos or road trip activities.
Here’s a list of some fun road-trip game that kids will love:
- I Spy
- Would You Rather?
- Knock-Knock Jokes
- The Singing Game
- Guess What I Am?
- Hangman
- Tick-Tack-Toe
- Never Have I Ever
For more fun tips and ideas check out these links below:
10 Tips for Taking Kids to White Sands National Park
How To Survive Your Kids Sleepover
Originally published June 2022.
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