Sam Copeland

Sam Copeland
Sam Copeland is a proud mom of a son, Jaylen (born in 2018), and is married to her best friend Wesley Copeland. Sam is also an animal lover and has a few pets of her own. Sam was born and raised in Odessa, Texas and made her way to the Fort Hancock, Texas area back in 2020. Although she resides in a surrounding town, a majority of her family's life is in El Paso. Sam is a Veterinary Technician; she started in veterinary medicine in 2014, and has spent a majority of the time working in emergency medicine and eventually transitioned to a work-from-home position in 2022 that is animal health related. Having a work/life balance has led to her now having time to enjoy parenthood, focus on her marriage, find new hobbies, and be uniquely herself. Sam is a strong advocate for mental health as a result of her own trials and tribulations. Sam is excited to share her love for El Paso and other things!

Homebound Valentine’s Day: Family Edition

Social media tells us Valentine’s Day should be about going out to fancy restaurants, showering in flowers and/or gifts, and spending an arm and a leg while dressing fancy. What if that isn’t feasible?...

Guide to Fertility Clinics in El Paso Area

Whether you dream of being a first-time mom or a mom to one more, fertility issues can make that dream feel far away. If you’re starting or growing your family and exploring fertility options,...
Tips for Moms to Get Ready for the Workforce

Motherhood vs Career Ladder

Being a working mom is hard enough. You work a forty-hour week, clock out, and then still have your next full-time job of motherhood. Sounds easy enough when it’s black and white, right? There’s...

The Dad He Didn’t Have To Be: How My Husband Became My Son’s Dad

Some moms have either experienced this or know a mom who has. Raising a child without a biological father can be filled with uncertainty, sadness, and many more emotions. I was one to deal...
Comfort After The Loss of a Furry Family Member

Comfort After the Loss of a Furry Family Member

We’ve all been there. The dreaded part of pet ownership has happened. After having a furry member of your family for a period of time, they have passed away. This is such a difficult...
Work from Home or Live at Work? 3 Tips to Find Boundaries

Work from Home or Live at Work? 3 Tips to Set Boundaries

Have you ever dealt with the misconception that if you work from home, you don’t really work? We’ve all heard it. “Must be nice to be paid to stay home and do nothing.” That...